Best Egg personal loans require you to have fair to good credit, and you can choose between secured and unsecured loans. You can use the loan to cover large or small expenses, consolidate debts or refinance credit cards.
Best Egg
Personal Loans up to $50,000 Low Fixed APRsThe platform offers loans through Cross River Bank and Blue Ridge Bank. Loan amounts range from $2,000 to $50,000 and services such as Direct Pay for credit card consolidation are offered.
Other details
Best Egg allows its users to utilize the Direct Payment feature, this feature facilitates credit card debt consolidation. Also, by choosing this option, you can qualify for higher loan amounts and lower APRs. Payments are sent directly to creditors on debt consolidation loans. This tool also helps you avoid spending the money elsewhere and you don’t have to worry about paying individual creditors out of the hands of borrowers.
Learn more about Best Egg Personal Loans
As stated before, Best Egg offers both unsecured and secured loans. If you opt for a secured loan, you are required to provide permanent facilities in your home as collateral.
If you want to cover a small debt so you don’t have to borrow more than you need to, loan amounts start at just $2,000. Plus, the direct payment option simplifies the credit card refinancing process, helping you qualify for a lower rate.
Besides, there’s also the option to choose between an unsecured or secured personal loan. The secured loan is like a real estate loan, but – instead of your entire home – you use it as collateral accessories permanently attached to your home. After approval, you will receive funding within one to three days.
Other Benefits
- Wide range of loan amounts: Loans available from $2,000 to $50,000, ensuring you can cover expenses large or small
- Get free access to your credit score: Access your credit score anytime through your Best Egg account. It’s easy to track score improvements over time as scores are updated monthly.
- Flexible Due Date: Feel free to change your due date to best fit your monthly budget. Apply by phone, email, or through the lender’s online chat service.
Is this loan for you?
Best Egg personal loans require you to have fair to good credit, and you can choose between secured and unsecured loans. If you are interested in applying, check your credit and ensure you have a credit score of at least 640 and a debt-to-income ratio below 30%.
Then use a personal loan calculator to calculate your monthly payments. Determine what APR and payment term you need to get a loan with affordable monthly payments.
It’s also important to review your budget to see how your monthly loan payments will affect your income.